Upgrading your license

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  • #23225
    Paul Schoofs

    Do you want more ease of use, features, a higher quality and more professional license?
    Do you want to optimize your media use and save time, money and production material?
    Do you want to connect with your favorite software, like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Versaworks, Onyx, Rasterlink, Agfa, Caldera and Zünd?
    Do you like powerful PDF export with layers, spot colors and custom production lines?
    Or does variable data production and True Shape Nesting make you happy?

    To upgrade your license, please send your request to support@easysign.com. We will contact you about the possibilities and an offer within one business day. Thank you!

    Fabrice Vanini


    Veuillez trouver ci-joint un problème récurrent lors de mon travail sur EASYSIGN.

    Lorsque que je clique sur “OK” il m’est impossible d’ouvrir un fichier par la suite.

    Je suis donc obligé de fermer le logiciel et de le relancer.

    Contact : signal.toulon@free.fr

    Merci de me tenir informé.


    Fabrice Vanini


    Paul Schoofs

    We are currently working on a solution to improve the ability to keep your license active after your PC goes into sleep mode.

    For now, until we developed this solution, it helps if you close EasySIGN at the end of the day and restart EasySIGN the next day. So do not leave EasySIGN open during the night or when your PC is in sleep mode.

    I hope this helps for now and please install the next release 6.0.37.X from EasySIGN as soon as it is ready and released by us.

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