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Tips & Tricks

Color Management

Color management is the controlled (color space) conversion between the color representations of various color devices (such as cameras, computer screens, printers, and corresponding media), being part of an imaging chain or production workflow: The goal is consistant color reproduction: obtain a good match across color devices. Colors should appear the same on camera, on…


FlexCut is an included feature that is available on all Summa vinyl plotters, the S One Series, and the S Class 2 Series. This functionality is developed to add more flexibility to production flows. FlexCut keeps cut material together while you can cut through simple designs in the media, without damaging the roll plotter. Add…


Use transparency to create designs with realistic depth or to combine a text and and image together. Design with transparent objects to make the background or any underlying objects visible. The comprehensive transparency tool can be applied on vector and bitmaps objects. Set transparency You can open the transparency menu in the Toolbox on the…


Add a dimension to your design with the realistic shadow effects in EasySIGN. Create Shadow Effects > Shadow Choose a shadow effect and set the type. Each type can be applied in the available shadow effects. Shadow effects Perspective Shadow is placed in perpective view Block Shadow is placed behind the object Drop Shadow drops…


Masking is used to place bitmap or vector image in a shape in order to size the image according the shape. Masks are used for instance to remove the background of a picture or to place a picture in a text or vectorshape. Masking Arrange > Masking > Place in mask Select a picture, choose…

Variable data production

The demand for customized production orders is increasing as more applications require personalised designs. In practice this can be quite an error-prone for your production. Beat this challenge with the easy customising tools in EasySIGN for fast adapting of your designs and convertion into flawless production files. Templates File > New from template... Make your…


Send and receive files from Adobe and Corel fast and easy! Compatibility offers a direct connection to transfer your files with one single mouse click into EasySIGN from Adobe IllustratorTM, Adobe PhotoshopTM, CorelDRAWTM and Corel PHOTO-PAINTTM and vice versa. Set-up compatibility During the installation of the EasySIGN software the set-up checks if some of the…

Adding files

Documents are created within many different applications which results in an extensive collection of file storage and transfer options. Major graphical file formats are suited for transferring to a production process. EasySIGN offers the possibilities to further process these documents. Within this tip and trick we explain the transfer possibilities for the frequently used graphical…

Engraving text

For engraving a text a single line font or engraving font is often used. A single line font exists of characters with one single line that can be used to write with a pen, laser or engraving tool. EasySIGN is supplied with a couple of optimized single line fonts which can be used in the…

Engraving and routing tools

When for example engraving nameplates or milling a letter mold, it is required to run your production without errors and avoid additional expensive material costs. Keep control on a flawless output with the routing and engraving features in EasySIGN. A selection of the reliable production tools as present in the EasySIGN Premium license, are collected…


Toolpaths are needed to specify the production of a routing or engraving job. Create fast and flawless your production paths with the toolpath features in EasySIGN, we will show you how! Toolpath Wizard The Toolpath wizard is a great help to apply a complicated tool pad. A number of frequently used applications with tool paths…

Installing your engraver or router

EasySIGN Premium includes a powerful set of engraving and routing drivers and tools to prepare and create all your production assignments with depth. Engraving or routing What is the difference? Engraving is the cutting of text and logo’s from a material. Mostly these cuts are not very deep and surely not through the material. Many…

Drawing tools

Anyone can draw with the powerful drawing tools in EasySIGN. Create your vector artwork fast and easy with the drawing toolset. Drawing toolbox View > Toolbars > Toolbox The drawing tools are part of the EasySIGN toolbox, standardly placed on the left side of an EasySIGN worksheet. Press with your left mouse button on the…

Flat perspective

Present your design in perspective view to create a realistic picture of the end result. Ideal tool for a real virtual representation of a banner on a building or for a lettering on a vehicle. No matter how your design is made as both vector objects and bitmaps can be placed in flat perspective. Effects…

Arc Fit

Let's talk about the Arc fit effect. You can easily create an Arc shape on any object. Bitmaps are recalculated to be correctly curved and even script text will remain alligned as handwritten text when you use the Arc fit feature. Add Arc fit effect Effects > Arc fit Apply the Arc fit Effect on…

Installing your plotter

Yes, you are nearly ready to get the most out of your plotter! Control your plotter(s) directly from EasySIGN with maximum cutting quality by using the optimized plotter drivers. You will have full access to all cutting features regardless your plotter brand. One easy workflow will cover all your cutting devices! Check the video here!…


With the versatile outlines function you can create the desired contour lines for your design and every selected shape in your worksheet, directly tailored to your production application. Outline type Effects > Outlines... Choose the Outline type from a range of commonly used outline varieties like outline, double outline, outline square, outline circle, inline or…


With the paneling tool you can produce any job size. Divide a job into production panels in case a design is bigger than the format of your production machine. Manual Paneling File > Worksheet > Manual Paneling Set the size of the page according the format of the design of the production job. Then subsequently…

Text Merge

Quickly create customized batch productions by merging your worksheet with a data file. Automatically combine text files, images and numbering to easily create a set of personalised designs. This all can be done within a few steps in EasySIGN. Create a design with replaceable elements Text > Merge > Name > Edit Create a design…


EasySIGN offers various features to output your production design to print. Full Color Printing - TPR... File > Full Color printing... The fastest and way to production is to prepare your output file and send it directly to your production software with the Full Color Printing - TPR button. Save time and send your jobs…

Special effects

Unleash your creativity and create any shape or design with the special effects feature. Effects > Special effects... Select the Type of distortion and use the Parameter sliders to create the desired effect. Press Apply to shape the selected object according the settings of the special effect. The special effects can be applied on vector…

Export settings

Avoid production errors by including the preferred settings for your output production software when exporting your EasySIGN worksheets to PDF, AI or EPS format. File > Settings > Export Production line styles Automatically convert production lines to a hairline during export. Set the production line style to the color and/or name as recognized by the…

Import settings

Save time and avoid production errors by optimizing the import of supplied AI and PDF files. Transform these files into production files when importing into EasySIGN. File > Settings > Import Optimize vector import Convert hairlines in an AI or PDF file to a production line in EasySIGN. Automatically convert to Print & Cut line,…


Movement during production can lead to damaging the end result, or worse, your production may even become unusable. To avoid this you can add a bleed, which is the part on the side of a design that gives an amount of space to account for movements during production. EasySIGN offers various tools to create a…


The spacing between characters in a font is in some cases at incorrect distance for your design. Easily adjust the distance with the powerful kerning tools in EasySIGN. Change your kerning Select a text and adjust the kerning with the drag tool. Store the settings in your customized kerning table (View > Toolbars > Kerning),…

Font manager

Keep track of the fonts you used in your worksheets with the EasySIGN font manager. Open the Font manager from the EasySIGN Text tool. Browse through your Font families, filter by Font types or Search your font list. Set the number of Recent fonts to be displayed on top of the font list in the…

Full color printing (TPR)

Prepare your output file and send it directly to your production software like Agfa Asanti, Caldera, Mimaki Rasterlink, Onyx, Roland Versaworks, Summa Color Control, Zund Cut Center or to any other production software with the Custom option. Save time and avoid production errors with the EasySIGN printing tools. Just send your file to production with…


The Blend effect makes it really easy to transform from one shape, color or size into another. Blend effect Effects > Blend Change the blend by clicking on the properties button in the object manager. Pair A pair is a set of objects that create the blend. Choose the Pair number to apply the settings.…


The rulers around EasySIGN worksheets make it really easy to check dimensions, positions, add guidelines or set tabs in text. Toggle visibility View > Rulers Display the rulers around a worksheet. Units View > Settings... > Units Set the units of the software and rulers in milimeters, centimeters, inches or points. Grid View > Settings…


Use guidelines to easily position your design. Guidelines are displayed as a blue dotted line and placed on top or behind your design. Insert Guidelines The easiest way to add a guideline is by dragging one with your left mouse button from the rulers aside of your EasySIGN worksheet. Or drag a horizontal and vertical…

Text on path

No more worries about your text when you change a shape! In EasySIGN, you can easily place text on any path. The text will automatically follow the the path when you change your shape. How? Text > Place text on path Easily adjust the path and text distance with the drag tool, use the text…

Production lines

Avoid loss of media (and profit) due to output errors between design and production. Seamlessly connect your designs to your production by adding production line styles to your worksheets. The line styles for the most commonly used production methods are available in the Line type toolbar. Line type toolbar View > Toolbars > Line type…

Pen styles

Set the penstyle with the penstyle button in the toolbox as standard located on the left side of your EasySIGN worksheet. In the Select pen style dialog you set the Line caps and Corner shape of the pen. Also set the Line width and choose for Scale width with object to resize the line accordingly…

Text Tool

Create and edit text with the EasySIGN text tool. Open the text tool in the toolbox as located left of your EasySIGN worksheet. Text settings Now click with the left mouse button on the position where you want to place the text on your worksheet. Just start typing and create your settings in the Text…

Mold effect

Easily design objects in any shape with the mold effect in EasySIGN. Select your object, go to Effects > Mold effect and alter your design in the desired shape. The node editing toolbar opens to quickly create the required shape. Use the mold effect as placeholder in case you have a fixed text or shape…


Placing a weedborder will improve your peeling of plotfiles and save on vinyl weeding time. Weedborder menu Select the object you need to cut place a weedborder Insert > Production > Weedborder around selection... Set the position of horizontal and vertical weeding lines. In case of text lines you can also choose to cut through…

Rounded corners

Create and adjust round corners smoothly for matching production designs. Drag tool Adjust corners with the Drag tool when you are working with vectorbased objects. Just select the object and press on the Drag tool to change the corners of object. Node editing toolbar Smoothen your vector corners manually or at a specific radius with…

Work with templates

EasySIGN includes a powerfull template wizard in which you can easily re-use your designs. Why? For example you get a customer in the store and they would like to have a sign or a T-shirt with a different name and a slightly different image than the example you've made. Before you know, you will be…

Node editing

The EasySIGN node editing toolbar offers a wide selection of features to alter your vector designs. You can add or delete, move, shape and redesign your vectorlined objects. Select a vector object in your worksheet and press on the Drag tool in the toolbox on the left side of your EasySIGN worksheet: The node editing…


When you enlarge a vector image, there is no loss of quality. When you enlarge a bitmap image, it will become grainier because the resolution of the image becomes lower, so the pixels become visible. Vectorlines are required to cut the image on a plotter or contour cut a printed file on a flatbed table.…

Fast editing with the drag tool

EasySIGN offers direct on-screen editing with the Drag Tool. This is a powerful and versatile feature for adjusting the various parts of your design. The drag tool fits many features to alter your design instantly. The tool can be found in the toolbox, this toolbar is standardly placed left of your worksheet in the EasySIGN…

Working with layers

Layers are applied in a worksheet to keep easily an overview of the various elements that make up your production design. When you have a more complex worksheet, you can faster select the various objects by placing them on separate layers. As a result, the design remains more adaptable as you can quickly change the…

Easy adjustable designing

EasySIGN offers object oriented designing. This means that each part of your design is displayed and stored as a separate object including properties. You can adjust each object and go back to each step of your design without having to recreate your worksheet. This saves you a lot of time and improves the reproducibility for…

Easily create backsides

EasySIGN offers a workflow for creating a design with front and backside. First design your front, then use File > Worksheet > Create backside.... to create your backside. How to do this you can read in the following example to create a single (or a set of) door hanger(s) Creating a single doorhanger We have…

Save on material with nesting

Reducing material waste is one of the best options to save on material, time, and money. EasySIGN offers handy nesting tools to use your material as efficiently as possible. (more…)

Duplicate worksheets

There are many good reasons to make a duplication of your EasySIGN worksheet. Making a duplicate can be done for improving your production reliability by separating your jobs by production output. Or duplicate your EasySIGN worksheet to customize your design for each panel (or application) without changing your original design. (more…)

Color separated workflows

Looking for a way to get the most out of your colored materials? In EasySIGN, you can easily process your design separated by color! (more…)

Alignment cropmarks

An alignment cropmark is an assisting element of your design to easily position during application. (more…)

Create your banner

When you produce a banner you know what a hassle it can be to create a production ready banner sign. (more…)

Produce 1:1

Signs come in all types and sizes. Lettering and advertising images are present on T-shirts but also on buses and trucks. In order to use the correct file format during production, it is important to be able to work in the actual production format. Good to know is that you can always work in 1:1…


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