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where is the pink cut line function button ?

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  • #13254
    kathryn patterson

    Hi Guys

    After many years, I have updated to the newest version of easysign. The function that puts the cut line around a picture , used to be a pink square with a line through it in the colour palette. Its now not there. Can anyone point me in the direction where it might be. I found a button at the top marked print and cut , but it changes the colour of my image to a wire frame .


    Hi Katryn,

    You can easily add a new colour to your color palette. In your case you are using a 100% Magenta hairline as a cutting line. You can create color for your palette bij choosing the “Add spot color…” feature as available under the menu File > Colors > Add spot color…

    Select the CMYK color model and put the Magenta bar at 100% (the other colors should be at 0%) and press add to enter the name (eg CutContour). The Color will be added to your palette automatically. If you do not see this immediately please scroll further in the palette with the tool button on the right side of the color palette.

    Have an easy day!

    Wilbert at EasySIGN

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